Setec believes innovation is the channel to success. For us, innovation is evident within our superior custom power supply products, longevity in business and our excellent customer relationships.
At Setec, we understand innovation is not about creating big changes. Through our history as a manufacturer of power management and supply products, we have seen that innovation is about continuous adjustments. Often such adjustments are miniscule: a tweak to our engineering systems or a refinement in the design stage. Innovation comes from adapting, developing and responding to opportunities. Innovation is the spirit within us that never accepts the status quo but instead drives us to continually improve and enhance our products.
Our ability to grasp opportunities to innovate within our own business gives us a clear perspective to identify the same opportunities for our customers. When we are approached by customers with their often unique and complex power supply needs, we work collaboratively alongside them to provide customised solutions, embracing an innovative and experimental attitude which extends and develops within their business.
Innovation is encouraged within our people. We consciously build a culture of innovation. We offer development opportunities for all our staff to increase their professional knowledge and expertise, and from this, look for new ways to improve processes and streamline operations. Our staff are constantly open to change and encouraged to seek new and enhanced ways to create our superior power management and supply products.
It is through our innovative spirit that we remain competitive in the market and have done so for more than fifty years. In that half a century we have witnessed incredible shifts in the market. Our drive to continuously innovate propels us forward to stay on pace with the ever-changing market and keep our power supply products, operations, and services relevant to our customers’ needs.